Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well Thumbed Wednesday

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

One of my favorite authors and one of America's great masters of fiction, Ray Bradbury.

The Martian Chronicles in a few teasing sentences:

A place where Martians live among raining crystal pillars and tables of liquid silver lava

Where men from Earth are mistaken for the insane and mentally unstable

A martian and a man pass each other in the night, seemingly out of their times

Ships land in the past that is a lie more deadly than it appears

And mankinds worst is revealed in their desperate times.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Faves and Raves

I am a big scifi dork, and one of my favorite shows is BBC's Being Human, which just finished its third season.  Now there is also an american version of this show on SyFy, a show they call a SyFy "original," though obviously it is not.  The thing that really makes the BBC version a superior show is (a) the writing of Toby Whithouse and (b) the relationship between the actors.

Finding dvds of BBC television shows out side of Barnes and Noble is rather uncommon, and more than that BBC dvds are generally way over priced, averaging $60 to $80 per season (and BBC seasons are about 13 episodes, nowhere near the 23 to 26 episodes that american shows average every season).  So i was surprised at first finding the the third season of Being Human at Target last night, and thrilled when i read the price tag - $35!  Score!

If you haven't seen this show, watch it.  If you've seen the SyFy version, give the real original a try, it is a truely fantastic show.

Later lovelies!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Well-Thumbed Wednesday

If i had my way my ass would hate me 'cause i'd sit on it all day just reading.  Thankfully, that is not the case, but i am always excited to find great new, and old, books to read.  So if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to suggest titles you love.

Today's Well-Thumbed book is Little Princes by Conor Grennan.  It tells the true story of a man who gave up his job to travel the world in one year, a man after my own heart.  And though he did make it around the world, it was his first stop in Nepal where he worked at an orphanage as a volunteer that led to a life long adventure he wasn't expecting.  His stop in Nepal was really more of a "justification" for a trip around the world that most of his friends and family thought was inappropriate for a grown man, but our plans all have a way of rewriting themselves without our knowledge.

Children have the power to completely alter one's life, and never more so than when we think we know better.  It is always fun to watch, or read about, a single man stumbling through the process of learning to care for children, but it is so completely inspiring to watch as those children teach a grown up about life.  Little Princes is Grennan's story of how these children and their situation inspired him to be more than just a volunteer, and to start a non-profit organization, Next Generation Nepal, on their behalf.  Plus, when you buy a copy of this book a percentage will go to the NGN foundation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Amazing Natalie

So when you live in the midwest you have to learn to put up with lousy weather, and it's been raining here for the last two weeks.  So to cheer myself up i like to find colorful projects that might perk me up a little by visiting my favorite websites. While scrolling through the Burdastyle project pages I came across what appeared to be one of Prada's spring dresses.  Turns out this amazing recreation was made by Natalie of Natalie's Creations out of T-Shirts!  She even has a video on how to make your own here.  Be sure to check out her LWD inspired by D&G too. 

It looks so amazing, and i bet Natalie's is more comfortable to wear:)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Faves and Raves

This friday's faves and raves is a two in one.  I am absolutely loving the album Up from Below by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. 

You may have seen the recent video on YouTube of the father daughter team singing their first single "Home," so adorable.  Though, my favorite song right now, and I have been crushing on it for months, is "40 Day Dream."  A song my cousin played at his wedding when he and his beautiful bride walked back up the aisle at the end of the ceremony. 

I love, love, love this song, can't get enough.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What i love right now . . .

These gorgeous 70's style shorts.  So classic and chic they would go with anything. And they show off the leg without bordering on indecent.
Marie Claire

This fun and bold printed mini skirt and mini purse (all those oversized bags are going to be taking a back seat this summer, sales of mini bags are on the rise).

The spread in Marie Claire called Poesy in Motion this month is beautiful, full of fun prints, color and 1970's silhouettes.

(I know this isn't a fashion blog, there are so many good ones out there i didn't see the need to create another, but being a fashion person myself it is going to find it's way in)

Got something you love, let me know :)

Later lovelies!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Home town spotlight

This month's Lucky Magazine featured a city guide for my hometown of Columbus, Ohio. I know, Columbus doesn't seem all that exciting, but i've always thought that if you want to have fun here you can't be lazy.  Ohio is one of those places where you have to (a) know where you're going or know someone who does, and (b) you have to be willing to go the distance to get there.  If you can do those two things having fun here is not a problem. 

Columbus is a big music and arts community because, truthfully, if you don't want to go the distance there is little else to do.

Lucky Mag
 Like England we have our High St. where all the fun pretty and independent shops are.  This spread in Lucky actually hits several of my favorite shops, if you are in or ever will be in columbus definitely check out the short north.

They even included a little map in the right column.

Check it out.

Later lovelies!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Faves and Raves

I am starting a new friday post called Friday Faves/Raves, just as a space to gush about things i love.  (and yes, if you are looking closely this is being posted on saturday, but today was crazy and this is the first chance i got).

My first friday fave is very beautiful and very special to me.  It is a vintage valentine, which is pretty cool, but what really makes it special is that it was a valentine my uncle gave my grandma when he was little.

He signed it in pencil you can see at the bottom.  Isn't it beautiful?  I'm planning on framing it to ad to my "art collection." 

My grandma, the recipient of this valentine, was a very special lady who meant a tremendous amount to her family.  I miss her so much, and this valentine is just a little piece of her i get to keep.

As for the Rave, and yes i do go on about this one in particular, it is my recently received copy of season three of Burn Notice:)

I absolutely love this show, if you are not watching it, WATCH IT!  It's funny and clever and entertaining in a way most shows just aren't.  The characters are amazing; Michael, Fiona, Sam, and Madeline are all brilliant, i love these characters! And for those of you who, like me, are currently in colder climates watching the gorgeous and chromatic miami is a quick and satisfying cure for winter blues.  I have spent the past two weeks watching Burn Notice almost exclusively, i got seasons 1 and 2 for xmas, it just plays in the background all day while i'm working.

That's all for now lovelies, hope you enjoy your weekend!