Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Faves and Raves

This friday's faves and raves is a two in one.  I am absolutely loving the album Up from Below by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. 

You may have seen the recent video on YouTube of the father daughter team singing their first single "Home," so adorable.  Though, my favorite song right now, and I have been crushing on it for months, is "40 Day Dream."  A song my cousin played at his wedding when he and his beautiful bride walked back up the aisle at the end of the ceremony. 

I love, love, love this song, can't get enough.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I've been meaning to pick up this album! I'll be seeing them touring with Mumford and Sons in a couple of weeks so I took a little peek at their album on iTunes.
